Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Barn

In the previous post, I forgot to mention that my good friend John came and felled a large pine tree for us. We didn't want to cut the pine, but the septic system was designed in such a way as to compromise the roots pretty badly. We took a chance and put the septic system in anyways, but after a month or two, the tree started to lean and it seemed as though it was not going to survive. John was kind enough to come up with his team and safely bring the tree down and I then cut up the branches and burned them. We have yet to disposition the trunk ... I hoped to do something creative with it, but we'll see if I can get to it before it starts to decompose.

From where the previous post ended, we have continued working on the pole barn and it is nearly finished. We put in the remaining four posts and attached the rather massive 2x12 headers.

Next we put up the rafters. Many thanks to Dad!

Installed roof decking

Then painted the metal roof panels to reduce wear and installed them. We also painted all the eaves and any untreated wood that might be left exposed.

For the floor, we decided on a poured concrete floor and hired someone recommended by a friend. They did a great job.

We installed the girts with the help of my friend Justin, then figured out how to install a door jamb

We installed the man-door and siding (as a tropical storm blew in!) with many more thanks to Dad and our neighbor Jeff.

We finished putting up the siding and my friend Nathaniel helped me build and install the barn doors.

The tall side is quite tall!

Nearly finished. All that is left is trim work, finish caulking (our friend Melody already helped us start), and installing bug screen between the rafters on the eaves.

We hope to post another quick blog of the finished product. The rest of the year, we plan to be working full-time to save up for next year's projects and whatever else God has in store.